Thursday, December 10, 2009

Our Annual School Programme 2009

Every year we hold an Annual Entertainment Programme at our school.

We invite all our parents and friends to come and see. We sing, dance, act out comedy plays and try to educate our audience through comedy, but most of all, we have a great time.

It's our chance to let our hair down and really enjoy ourselves!

If you missed our show we've added some clips below for you to enjoy. If you'd like a DVD of the complete show, become a 'follower' and contact us and we'll tell you how you can get your very own copy to keep and watch again and again.


  1. Brilliant blog and superb work from the S of H children and staff. Well done all.
    Maureen, S of H friend.

  2. Excellent and very informative BLOG. It's great to be able to read about and see what's happening. Keep up the good work!!

  3. Please help us by telling ALL your friends, the more the merrier!
